Ted Williams and Robyn Davis, with special guests Lenny Wayne Hosey and Scott Guthrie, celebrate the life and songwriting of Marques Bovre (1962-2013), a well-known regional singer/songwriter based out of Madison, Wisconsin. During his decades’ long career, Marques released 19 recordings and played countless shows at various venues throughout the Midwest, incorporating elements of folk, blues and country in his music.
Marques struggled with debilitating osteoarthritis, which kept him in pain much of the time. He rarely complained. Instead, there was his gentle smile, a twinkle in his eye, his knack for a clever turn of phrase, his twisted sense of humor, and his songs — hundreds of songs, sacred and profane, full of poignant insights into the human condition — and yet fun to sing along!
May 16, 2019, from 7-9 pm
Free, donations appreciated