Romance in D

Table Reading

“Romance in D,” a comedy by James Sherman, introduces us to Charles, a musicologist, who lives in his Chicago apartment alone with his books and music, and Isabel, a brokenhearted poet on the verge of a divorce, who moves in next door. Add Isabel’s very concerned father, and Charles' loving but overbearing mother, and it makes for surprising interactions.

The Chicago Tribune called it “…an unlikely romantic success (that) spells hope for us all,” and the Quad City Times wrote, “ … a sweet romance, a bit of Jewish tradition…and the gentle assertion that those often referred to as ‘seniors’ have an interesting life of their own.”

The cast for Romance in D features Mike Blaum, Stephanie Bussan, Cathy Harms, and Robert Armstrong, and is directed by Carole Sullivan.

May 11, 2022 - 7 pm
Donations accepted

This program is partially sponsored by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.

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